
Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 4

I hope you are enjoying the sock hop tonight. I know the students were excited about it. Hoping the weather stays nice for everyone. Let's take a look at week 4 in Mrs. Langham's room.

We are developing a routine for our day. We start out with our phonemic awareness activities now instead of writing. This allows for me to get guided reading done before we go to specials. Now we do writing after specials and right before lunch. We are working on segmenting compound words, identifying initial and final sounds, rhyming and phoneme substitution. The children are actively engaged with hand motions for each activity. We then focus on our letter of the day. Here are the letters we learned this week.

After phonemic awareness, we go to Daily 5. This week, Mrs. Langham pulled groups for guided reading. We worked on letter identification, letter sounds and rhyming. Each day, we are given a new book to put in our book boxes. We read our book boxes during read to self time. We practiced tracking words in our books with our fingers as we read. Our sight word this week was "I". We have also been working on sight words "see", "like", "can" and "to". We have been doing some guided writing at the end to practice our sight words.

Our close read this week was Rainbow Fish. We read this every day, discussed vocabulary, author's purpose/lesson learned and compared and contrasted how Rainbow Fish felt at the beginning and the end of the story. There was a lot of good discussion with our turn and talk partners. We finished with a culminating craft by making a rainbow fish.

Some of the other books we read this week to support our writing lessons are below.


In math, we learned a new game called Race to Trace. We pulled our ten frames card and traced the number pulled. The first one to trace all numbers was the winner. This game worked on both number identification and number writing skills.

We started focusing on individual numbers and ways to represent each number. We later worked on combinations and were introduced to the + and = signs.

We had fun going on a tens frame hunt in our classroom. We found the tens frame and recorded the information on our sheets. 

In social studies, we learned about the constitution. We read the book We The Kids.

We wrote our own class constitution and signed it too.

In science, we finished up learning about tools by practicing to use the balance scale.

We literally had a "blast" with our Diet Coke and Mentos experiment. We practiced making predictions and recording information. We repeated the experiment using M&Ms and got a slightly different result.

We began learning about the 5 senses.

We specifically focused on the sense of sight. We practiced using kaleidoscopes and illustrating what we saw. We also got to use real Braille books and learned that people who cannot see are blind and use these to read.

Next week, we will be learning about colors. We ask that you dress your child in the following colors each day to help reinforce their learning. You should have also found a schedule in the take home folder.

Monday 9/22 red
Tuesday 9/23 blue
Wednesday 9/24 yellow
Thursday 9/25 green
Friday 9/26 orange
Monday 9/29 purple
Tuesday 9/30 pink
Wednesday 10/1 black and white
Thursday 10/2 brown
Friday 10/3 rainbow

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