
Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 13

We have been learning all about Thanksgiving these last couple of weeks. It sure has been fun and we have learned how different things were long ago and are very thankful for the modern technology that we have today to make life easier for us.

In language arts, our letters this week were Ff and Rr. The students are still enjoying illustrating words that begin with these letters.

Our sight words were "to" and "us".

Our close read for the week was Scarecrow.

Here are the vocabulary words from that story.

In math, we began learning about the number 7 and we read this book as an introduction.

We worked on combinations of 7 by using several manipulatives including our divided baggies with counters and our two-sided counters. We played a new game called shake and spill to practice these combinations.

We also learned about the rectangle and made rectangle man.

We focused on social studies this week and learned about the Pilgrims.

We practiced retelling the story of the Pilgrims.

We made a retelling bracelet. Each bead represents a color that has something to do with the Thanksgiving story. I hope your child shared it with you.

We compared how things were different long ago versus today and how technology has advanced things to help us.

Here are some of the other Thanksgiving stories we enjoyed this week.

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