
Friday, October 31, 2014

Week 10

Happy Halloween! The class has been counting down to this day since we changed the calendar to October. Seems like just yesterday. Where did the month go?

This week, we reviewed the letters Aa and Pp.

Our sight words were "see" and "get".

Our close read this week was a fiction book called Pumpkin Town. We had lots of fun making predictions and inferences with this book.

Here is the vocabulary from this story.

We began learning about pumpkins and their life cycle. We even got to dissect a pumpkin flower and examine the pollen.

Some even chose to write about pumpkins during Daily 5.

The students have been working hard on their reading. We practice our sight words during our time with Mrs. Langham. We enjoyed stamping sight words this week.

Reading time is our favorite. We worked on a nonfiction book called pumpkins, which helped us to learn more about the pumpkin life cycle.

In math, we finished up our unit on the number line and took an assessment. We began learning about the number 6 and decomposing this number. The students are really starting to get the hang of this process, which will aide them when it is time for addition and subtraction facts. This was a fun book we read to introduce us to the number six.

In science, we began a unit on energy.

We practiced making energy with our bodies by doing 2 minutes of exercise and comparing our bodies before exercise and afterward. We were hot, sweaty and our heart was beating faster. Sorry for the blurry pictures, but they were in motion.

Another source of energy is light. 

We compared a dark room to a room that is lit. We talked about what body part we use to see light. We also talked about sources of light.

We had our first visit from Ms. Phillips, our counselor. She will come to visit our class every 3 weeks. She brought her friends, Can-Do and Will-Do with her.

We enjoyed some pumpkin and Halloween stories on Friday.

We made a fun craft too.

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